The Bar file provided as input is not supported in this BI Platfrom release.

OBIEE Baseline Validation Tool - Parameter ‘directory’ is not a directory

Monitoring Logstash Ingest Rates with Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Timelion

Monitoring Logstash Ingest Rates with InfluxDB and Grafana

Collection of Articles on How to Write a Good Conference Abstract

Using R to Denormalise Data for Analysis in Kibana

OBIEE security patches, and FINAL patchset release

Streaming Data through Oracle GoldenGate to Elasticsearch

Decoupling the Data Pipeline with Kafka - A (Very) Simple Real Life Example

Food Pr0n 02 - Devon & Dorset

Experiments with Kibana Timelion

Connecting to OBIEE via JDBC - with jisql

My latest IRC client : Kibana

Food Pr0n - 01

OBIEE installation - JPS-06514: Opening of file based keystore failed

Fun and Games with Oracle GoldenGate, Kafka, and Logstash on BigDataLite 4.4

Presentation Slides… bye-bye Slideshare, hello Speakerdeck

obihackers IRC channel

Streaming data to InfluxDB from any bash command

What makes a good Full English?